Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It Was A Dark & Snowy Night

Among other interests, I also do some creative writing. Here is my story, written for my daughter, Wendy's son Chet for his 4th birthday. I had made him a costume for Christmas and one for his sister, Chloe. I wrote the story to go with the costumes! My hope is that Wendy will create illustrations for it, and we'll publish it as a children's storybook. See what you think!
Dark & Snowy Night Feb 2009.pdf

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Marketing Class and Case Study

Here is a presentation I prepared a couple of years ago to present to a university marketing class. It provides a case study of research completed for the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center. In this particular study, when presenting results, we provided specific action steps showing how to take research results and use them in strategic planning and communications.


If you have research needs, please feel free to contact me.
